Direct Mail

Join thousands reaching their communities for Christ.

10 Reasons Why Postcards Are An Effective Easter Outreach Tool

10 Reasons Why Postcards Are An Effective Easter Outreach Tool

It is time to start thinking about your Easter outreach plans & one of the most effective tools you can use is a direct mail postcard. Thanks to the huge influx of emails and social media, there is less competition in people’s physical mailboxes – making direct mail postcards an even better option for inviting people to church! Here are 10 reasons why you should do a mailing this Easter

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5 Ways to Reach Out in a Post-Christian Culture

On the surface the numbers can look bleak – the culture we live in in America is slipping further and further away from God. A recent Gallup survey found that only 81% of Americans believe in God, the lowest percent ever! So how should the Church react and what steps are effective when fewer people in our community express a belief in God?

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Learn how church direct mail is still an effective way of reaching your community.