Your Christmas Invite: Make it Stronger


Looking for a better strategy for inviting people to your church this Christmas?

Find out how Outreach Everywhere increases brand recognition as well as the number of people who will respond to your invite by coming and hearing the miraculousness of Jesus’ birth.

A buddy at work mentions a book he’s just finished and it’s so good. Later that day, you run into a friend at the gym and see that book peeking out of his bag. Clearly you should read this book; it’s a thing. Then, the next day it pops up in an ad on Instagram! Ok, now you’re not going to forget its title or author. In fact, maybe…click, Amazon, click, “Complete Order,” click. You’re going to read it. With each encounter, the desire to read that book—as well as its coolness factor—increased.

Imagine…what if that book were your church?! By encountering your church’s name, bright logo and friendly invite multiple times and in multiple places, people begin to remember your name, who you are, and what you want to do. Visiting starts to seem less weird and more OK. In fact, they kinda want to check you out now. And what if your invite was to Christmas? To a miracle? To hope?

This is the beauty of Outreach Everywhere–a service that combines a physical postcard that people get in their mailbox with a matching invite they see on Facebook or Instagram. Together, they work to increase brand recognition and response rates at the same time. People in your neighborhood begin to know your church’s name, consider your invite to come check you out, and maybe, hopefully, visit this Christmas!

Why it Works

We know that 98% of people check their mail, and 77% of people sift through their mail as soon as they get it. With Outreach Everywhere, your church is in the mailbox via a postcard. Sure, the United States Postal Service has been around a lot longer than the Internet, but it’s not obsolete. Some 67% of people who will hold your invite still say mail is much more personal than anything online!

We also know that the average person spends about 135 minutes a day on social media. People of all ages are already there, so why not be there, too? An ad that matches the design, content, and action of your Christmas invite postcard will be seen on a person’s Facebook and/or Instagram page—and likely not just for a split second.

Similar to that cool book that kept popping up, your church’s name and invite will be seen in multiple places with Outreach Everywhere. And as Christmas gets closer and people begin to consider their plans and if they’ll go to church or where, it’s possible your church will come to mind!

How it Works

Perhaps a postcard seems safe and doable. Direct mail—you got it. In fact, you might have been doing direct mail for Christmas for years now. But social media ads? Never done, no clue. Outreach Everywhere makes it super simple and takes much of the work off your hands. You choose a design for your postcard that works for your neighborhood and church. What’s your theme this Christmas? What’s your message? Then, customize it with your church’s information, service times, event details, etc.

From there Outreach’s expert social media team will build your online ad, make sure you’re OK with it, select the target audience, run the ad on Facebook and Instagram (depending on which package you choose) and then report the results to you!  Your social media ads appear online around the same time as the postcards appear in mailboxes – a one-two invitation hit that is sure to get you noticed.  A hope-filled message amidst the bills and junk mail…an authentic invite to somewhere safe and welcoming instead of an ad for more stuff…

Outreach Everywhere is about more than your Christmas attendance numbers. It’s simple, complementing personal invites that stand out from everything else, and they can be the beginning of life change for someone. This Christmas, invite your neighbors to the miracle, to hope—more than once!






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With a mission to share God’s love and empower the Church to share the message of Jesus Christ, Outreach has quickly grown to become the largest provider of church outreach products and services in the world. Join the Outreach Weekly for the latest tips, tools, ideas, and deals to help you reach your community for Christ.

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