Outreach Church Communications and Marketing

Keeping Your Easter Momentum

Reconnecting with visitors after Easter is important for building relationships and encouraging them to become a part of your church community. Here are some recommendations for next steps:


As the Easter-season comes to a close, you may be wondering how to continue connecting with your first time guests and maintain higher attendance numbers. Reconnecting with visitors after Easter is important for building relationships and encouraging them to become a part of your church community. Here are some recommendations for next steps: 

  1. Reach out to your visitors
    After Easter, follow up with visitors by sending them a personal email, a handwritten note, or even making a phone call. Thank them for attending your service, and invite them to return for future events or services. Make sure to ask if they have any questions or if there is anything you can do to assist them in their spiritual journey.

    Tip:  Include a small invitation card for an upcoming event with your personal note.
  2. Invite guests to join a small groups
    Small groups can be a great way to build relationships and foster a sense of community within your church. Invite visitors to join a small group that fits their interests or needs. This can be a great way to help them connect with others and develop a sense of belonging at your church.

  3. Offer a follow up gift or resource
    Provide visitors with resources such as a gift book, online resources, or other materials that can help them continue their spiritual journey. This can include Bible studies, devotionals, and other materials that can help them grow in their faith.

  4. Host another events
    Hosting events after Easter can be a great way to keep visitors engaged and connected with your church. These events can be social or educational in nature, and can provide visitors with an opportunity to get to know other members of your church community. A movie night, special guest speaker or even Mother’s day activities are some great ideas that are easy to implement. 

  5. Ask for feedback
    Finally, ask for feedback from visitors on their experience attending your Easter service. This can help you identify areas for improvement and make changes to make your church more visitor friendly. Consider sending out a survey or simply asking visitors for feedback in person.

Reconnecting with visitors after Easter is an important part of building relationships and fostering a sense of community within your church. By following these recommendations, you can continue to engage with visitors and encourage them to become a part of the church community for the long term.

Carri Gambill

Carri Gambill

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