After an incredibly challenging year, your church celebrated the hope of an empty tomb this Easter! You, your ministry team and your faithful volunteers invested time and energy in preparing a meaningful experience –online, in-person, or both– to share the Good News of Jesus. You reached out to your neighborhood, invited your community, and welcomed new people to your church. Worship, media teams, hospitality, online greeters, prayer teams, kid’s ministry, tech teams… everyone focused on glorifying Christ and introducing people to new life in him.
But, now what? Let’s take a look at five helpful ideas for keeping ministry momentum now that we have journeyed through another Easter Sunday.
After all the energy expended on Holy Week, one of the most important things we can do is to allow our lives to be refreshed. Pause to reflect on the goodness of God and the resurrection power of Christ in your life and your ministry. Remember that you are first and foremost God’s beloved. Guard your heart and mind against getting caught up in the performance trap, and instead allow Jesus to help you balance all aspects of your life and ministry. Practice “resting forward” by resting in the ongoing work of the Spirit in your life and listening to how the Spirit is leading. Reflect on Jesus’ encouraging words recorded in Matthew 11.28-30: “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” Release your burdens to Jesus. Find the rest He offers while also leaning into learning from Him, readying yourself for whatever He has next.
Focus on Opportunities
What opportunities has God given your church through celebrating Easter this year? Who are the new people you have reached? What relationships have been built? How has your church engaged with your community? As you recognize those opportunities, commit to doing the “next thing” to continue engaging and building those relationships. As evangelist Nick Vujicic shares, “Keep moving ahead because action creates momentum, which in turn creates unanticipated opportunities.” Observe where God is working and take action on the opportunities He has given your church.
Point People to What is Next
What opportunities has God given your church through celebrating Easter this year? Who are the new people you have reached? What relationships have been built? How has your church engaged with your community? As you recognize those opportunities, commit to doing the “next thing” to continue engaging and building those relationships. As evangelist Nick Vujicic shares, “Keep moving ahead because action creates momentum, which in turn creates unanticipated opportunities.” Observe where God is working and take action on the opportunities He has given your church.
Look Outside
Although you may not remember this from your high school physics class, you may have witnessed this with the growth and spread of a viral cat video, and that is that momentum increases as mass increases. In other words, your ministry momentum can continue to increase as the number of people getting engaged and involved increases. So you need to continue to look outside of your church to those in your community that still need to be introduced to Jesus.
One of the main reasons churches lose ministry momentum is that they begin to lose their passion for those who are far from God. They stop thinking of themselves as a mission outpost and move into a maintenance mode. To overcome this tendency, keep looking outside. Keep the words of Jesus, as recorded in John 4.35, in mind as you minister: “I tell you, open your eyes and look at the fields! They are ripe for harvest.” Keep these words in front of your people and continue to encourage them to open their eyes, look outside, and get engaged in the harvest.
Keep the words of Jesus, as recorded in John 4.35, in mind as you minister: “I tell you, open your eyes and look at the fields! They are ripe for harvest.” Keep these words in front of your people and continue to encourage them to open their eyes, look outside, and get engaged in the harvest.
Intentionally Implement
There are a variety of ways you can keep ministry momentum going –even growing– but it takes some intentionality. For some practical ideas that you can begin implementing now, consider a new sermon series that can connect with people in your community or perhaps hosting an outdoor movie event for families.
Provide invite cards to your people so they can continue reaching their friends and family, or create outreach teams at your church that blanket neighborhoods with door hangers inviting people to your next event or activity.
You can lead a service project in your town, help out a local school, clean up your neighborhood park, assist the elderly, honor essential workers, or something else that is needed and would resonate well in your community.
You can host an Alpha group to help people in your area who are wrestling with questions about life and faith. Your church can use social media to inspire people or to promote your activities and invite others to join in.
You could easily begin reaching every new person who moves into your community every single month with a postcard invitation to your church.
The key is to be intentional about consistently growing your ministry momentum by helping your people remain engaged in God’s mission. Following Jesus means following Him on mission, so encourage your people to take action and ensure that your church continues to live as a mission outpost.
We would love to hear any other ideas you have found to be helpful as you seek to keep your ministry momentum growing and your Kingdom impact increasing. You can join our Outreach Facebook group where ideas like these are shared and ministry leaders can find additional encouragement, ask questions, and share insights. Click here to join the community now...Hope to see you there!
As Vice President of Ministry Mobilization for Outreach, Inc., Jason dedicates his time to encouraging and equipping churches, denominations and ministry organizations to develop their Kingdom effectiveness by creating a culture that is both incarnational and invitational. He also serves as the Executive Director of the National Back to Church Sunday movement and hosts the weekly ChurchLeaders podcast. Jason lives on Anastasia Island, Florida, with his beautiful wife and children. Connect with him on Twitter and Instagram @jasondaye